8.4 – vedet – ‘to know a fact’

8.4 – vědět – 'to know a fact'

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8.4 – vědět – 'to know a fact'
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8.4 – vědět – 'to know a fact'


The verb vědět means ‘to know (a fact)’ and is irregular. It is conjugated as follows:






The verb vědět is typically followed by a word such as že, přoč, kde, kdy, co, kdo etc. — note that these are almost all question words. These are all ways of introducing new (subordinate) clauses. Take a look at the following examples:

Nevím, kde je Honza.

I don’t know where Honza is.

Pavel neví, co Martina dělá.

Pavel doesn’t know what Martina is doing.

Vím, že Praha je krásné město.

I know that Prague is a beautiful city.

Karel a Pavel nevědí, proč se učíme.

Karel and Pavel don’t know why we are studying.

It  can also be followed by the preposition o ‘about’