Unit 1 – Table of Contents

unit 1 – table of contents

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unit 1 – table of contents
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1. lekce – Vítejte! / Unit 1 – Welcome to Czech

In this unit you will be introduced to the very basics of the Czech language, from pronunciation to identifying objects, and describing people and things. Below you will find some more in-depth information about the topics covered in this unit.

Communicative Goals



  • greet someone both informally and formally
  • introduce yourself
  • ask someone else’s name
  • ask what something is
  • identify objects
  • ask and answer who someone is
  • describe people and objects using various combinations of adj. noun
  • ask for a description of something
  • ask “whose is this?”
  • say who something belongs to using possessive (my, your, his, etc.) pronouns
  • say where you are from.
  • count to twenty
  • Czech letters and pronunciation rules
  • distinguish types of nouns (hard and soft)
  • predict gender (MA, MI, F, N) of a noun based on the way it ends
  • vocative case forms
  • conjugate the verb být ‘to be’ in the present tense
  • nominative plural of nouns and adjectives
  • demonstrative pronoun ten, ta, to and proximal tenhle, tahle, tohle

Unit 1 – Vocabulary List

  • everyday objects
  • common professions
  • verb být ‘to be’
  • numbers




These lessons and exercises should be completed before meeting with your instructor.

These activities should be completed with your instructor/class.

These assignments should be completed after the designated class meeting.

Pre-class Lesson

Unit 1 – Activity Book 

Post-class Homework

Pre-class Canvas Quiz

Pre-class Video

Pre-class Vocabulary or Grammar Drill

For more information about using these materials, see Using the Reality Czech Curriculum

1.1 – 1. lekce, 1. den

1.1 – Czech Vowels

Domácí úkol 1.1

1.1 – Long vs. Short Vowels

1.1 – Czech Consonants

1.1 – Recognizing Czech Consonants

1.1 – Quizlet – Nouns

1.1 – Identification with listening

1.1 – Czech Greetings

1.1 – Ahoj, Čau, Nazdar

1.1 – Dobrý den!

1.1 – Na shledanou!

1.1 – Quizlet – Greetings / Pozdravy – Flashcards

1.1 – Quizlet – Greetings / Pozdravy – Listening Exercise

1.1 – What does this mean? How do you say?

1.1 – What does this mean? How do you say?

1.1 – Quizlet – Noun – Learning Exercises

1.2 – 1. lekce, 2. den

1.2 – Quizlet – Nouns – Learning Exercise

Domácí úkol 1.2

1.2 – Quizlet – Nouns – Matching

1.2 – "soft" pronunciations

1.2 – "soft" pronunciations

1.2 – Quizlet – Nouns – Listening Exercise

1.2 – Co to je? Identifying Objects

1.2 – Co to je? – Identifying Objects

1.2 – Names and familiar names

1.2 – Matching Czech and English Names

1.2 – Matching Names to Nicknames

1.2 – Kdo to je?

1.2 – Jak se jmenujete?

1.2 – Reality Czech – Jak se jmenujou?

1.2 – Quizlet – Greetings / Pozdravy – Listening Exercise

1.2 – Quizlet – Conjunctions – Flashcards

1.2 – Quizlet – Conjunctions – Learning Exercise

1.3 – 1. lekce, 3. den

1.3 – Quizlet – Conjunctions – Listening Exercise

Domácí úkol 1.3

1.3 – Quizlet – Match Czech Nouns with Pictures

1.3 – Conjugation of the verb být 'to be'

1.3 – Quizlet – learn forms of být

1.3 – the verb být "to be"

1.3 – Dialogues with být 'to be'

1.3 – Questions and Statements

1.3 – True/False Pictures – Identifying Objects

1.3 – Noun Gender

1.3 – Noun Gender Identification

1.3 – Masculine and Feminine Forms of Nouns

1.3 – Listen to Determine Gender

1.3 – Quizlet – Nouns – Write the Czech word

1.3 – Quizlet – Fráze – Flashcards

1.3 – Quizlet – Fráze – Learning Exercise

1.4 – 1. lekce, 4. den

1.4 – Quizlet – Adjectives – Flashcards

Domácí úkol 1.4

1.4 – Quizlet – Adjectives – Learning Exercises

1.4 – Adjectives Endings

1.4 – Adjectives – Hard or Soft?

1.4 – Match Pictures with Adjective Descriptions

1.4 – Fill in the Blank – Adjectives

1.4 – Asking 'what kind' – jaký

1.4 – Correct form of jaký

1.4 – Alois Jirásek and the Old Czech Legends

1.4 – Quizlet – Adjectives – Flashcards

1.4 – Quizlet – Adjectives – Learning Exercises

1.4 – Quizlet – Fráze – Listening Exercise

1.5 – 1. lekce, 5. den

1.5 – Quizlet – Adjectives – Listen and Spell

Domácí úkol 1.5

1.5 – Quizlet – Adjectives – Matching

1.5 – More Adjective Practice

1.5 – Česká příjmení – Czech Last Names

1.5 – Make m. Last Names f.

1.5 – Color Adjectives

1.5 – Quizlet – Barvy – Flash Cards

1.5 – Quizlet – Barvy – Matching

1.5 – Color practice

1.5 – Pronunciation – Voiced and Voiceless Consonants

1.5 – Voiced and Voiceless Consonants

1.6 – 1. lekce, 6. den

1.6 – Quizlet – Greetings / Pozdravy – Listening Exercise

Domácí úkol 1.6

1.6 – Quizlet – Greetings / Pozdravy – Learning Exercise

1.6 – The Vocative case

1.6 – Quizlet – Vocative Singular – Ahoj! Čau! Nazdar!

1.6 – Vocative Case Practice

1.6 – Dialogue with Vocative Fill-in-the-Blank

1.6 – Číslovky – Numbers

1.6 – Quizlet – Numbers – Flashcards

1.6 – Quizlet – Numbers – Learning Exercise

1.6 – Recognize Numbers

1.6 – Božena Němcová and Babička / Grandmother

1.7 – 1. lekce, 7. den

1.7 – Quizlet – Numbers – Listen and Write

Domácí úkol 1.7

1.7 – Quizlet – Numbers – Matching

1.7 – Possessive Pronouns

1.7 – Choose Correct Possessive Pronouns

1.7 – Interrogative pronoun čí ‘whose’

1.7 – Translation sentences with čí – 'whose'

1.7 – Choose Correct Possessive Pronouns, part 2

1.7 – Demonstrative Pronouns

1.7 – Multiple Choice Demonstratives

1.7 – Fill in the Blank with Demonstrative Pronouns

1.7 – Unchanging to vs. Demonstrative ten, ta, to

1.7 – Unchanging "to" vs ten, ta, to

1.7 – Unchanging "to" vs. ten, ta, to – fill in Blanks

1.8 – 1. lekce, 8. den

1.8 – Quizlet – Numbers – Listen and Write

Domácí úkol 1.8

1.8 – Stating your Age

1.8 – Kolik je vám let?

1.8 – Kolik je jim let? 'How old are they?'

1.8 – Noun Stems (Hard and Soft)

1.8 – Hard or Soft Stem?

1.8 – Quizlet – Nouns – Listen and Spell

1.8 – Making Nouns Plural

1.8 – More on Fleeting –e

1.8 – Identify Things You See – Plzeň, Česká republika

1.8 – Quizlet – To jsou ________

1.8 – Plural Endings Practice

1.8 – Unchanging to, part 2

1.8 – Naming Plural Objects

1.8 – Antonín Dvořák and Jaromír Erben

1.9 – 1. lekce, 9. den

1.9 – Quizlet – Adjectives – Listen and Spell

Domácí úkol 1.9

1.9 – Quizlet – Adjectives – Learning Exercise

1.9 – Quizlet – Barvy – Listening Exercise

1.9 – Quizlet – Barvy – Matching

1.9 Adjectives – Nominative Plural

1.9 – Plural Adjectives Quiz

1.9 – Listen to Descriptions and Respond (Ano/Ne)

1.9 – Quizlet – Numbers – Listen and Spell

1.9 – Quizlet – Barvy – Listen and Spell

1.9 – Plural Translation Sentences

1.10 – 1. lekce, 10. den

1.10 – Quizlet – Matching Nouns

Domácí úkol 1.10

1.10 – Possessive Pronouns – Plural Forms

1.10 – Plural Possessive Pronoun Drill

1.10 – Demonstratives – Plural Forms

1.10 – Plural Demonstratives

1.10 – SoundCzech! – It's a Spanish Village to me

1.10 – SoundCzech! – It's a Spanish Village to me

1.10 – SoundCzech! – Not so golden oldies

1.10 – Colloquial Pronunciation (ý → ej)

1.10 – SoundCzech! – Not so golden oldies

1.11 – 1. lekce, 11. den

1.11 – Odkud jste? 'Where are you from?'

Domácí úkol 1.11

1.11 – Odkud jsou tihle lidé (a zvířata taky)?

1.11 – Reality Czech – Odkud jste?

1.11 – Reality Czech – Odkud jsou?

1.11 – Quizlet – Adverbs – Learning Exercise

1.11 – Quizlet – Adverbs – Listening Exercise

1.11 – Quizlet – Nouns – Test Yourself

1.11 – Quizlet – Adjectives – Test Yourself

1.11 – Unit 1 Review Sentences