Unit 7 – Table of Contents

unit 7 – table of contents

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unit 7 – table of contents
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7. lekce – Denní program / Unit 7 – Daily Schedule

This unit focuses on talking about your daily life and activities, specifically focusing on when you do various things during the day. You will be introduced to a wide array of new activities and will learn how Czech expresses the difference between actions that are completed (perfective) and those that do not emphasize completion (imperfective).

Communicative Goals



  • talk about your daily routine
  • talk about tasks that you have completed
  • describe how long you were engaged in an activity
  • describe how long it took you to complete a task
  • clock time
  • dates
  • aspect: imperfective and perfective
  • time duration (ACC)
  • time within (za  ACC)

Unit 7 – Vocabulary List

  • basic daily activities
  • times of the day
  • temporal conjunctions (když, předtím, potom, etc.)




These lessons and exercises should be completed before meeting with your instructor.

These activities should be completed with your instructor/class.

These assignments should be completed after the designated class meeting.

Pre-class Lesson

Unit 7 – Activity Book

Post-class Homework

Pre-class Canvas Quiz

Pre-class Video

Pre-class Vocabulary or Grammar Drill

For more information about using these materials, see Using the Reality Czech Curriculum

7.1 – 7. lekce, 1. den

7.1 – Kolik je hodin? – Telling Time

Domácí úkol 7.1

7.1 – Kolik je hodin?

7.1 – V kolik hodin? – At what time?

7.1 – V kolik hodin? – At what time?

7.1 – brzo/brzy, pozdě…dřív, pozdějí

7.1 – Ranní ptáče nebo sova

7.1 – Reality Czech – Jste ranní ptáče nebo sova?

7.1 – Reality Czech – Jste ranní ptáče nebo sova?

7.1 – SoundCzech! – A Bird's Eye View of Czech Idioms

7.2 – 7. lekce, 2. den

7.2 – Ordinal Numbers (1st-12th)

Domácí úkol 7.2

7.2 – Quizlet – Ordinals (1st-12th) – Learning Exercise

7.2 – Quizlet – Ordinals (1st-12th) – Listening Exercise

7.2 – Conversational Clock Time – Introduction

7.2 – Conversational Clock Time, part 1 – time on the half hour

7.2 – Time on the half hour

7.2 – Conversational Clock Time, part 2 – time on the quarter hour

7.2 – Time on the quarter hour

7.2 – Activities During the Day / Aktivity během dne

7.2 – Quizlet – Aktivity během dne – Flashcards

7.2 – Quizlet – Aktivity během dne – Learning Exercise

7.2 – Reality Czech – V kolik hodin vstáváte?

 7.2 – Reality Czech – V kolik hodin vstáváte?

7.2 – Reality Czech – Chodíte spát brzo nebo pozdě? V kolik?

7.2 – Reality Czech – Chodíte spát brzo nebo pozdě? V kolik?

7.2 – SoundCzech! – To Hit the Hay

7.2 – Reality Czech – V kolik hodin jste včera šli spát?

7.2 – Reality Czech – V kolik hodin jste včera šli spát?

7.2 – Quizlet – Aktivity během dne – Listening Exercise

7.3 – 7. lekce, 3. den

7.3 – Quizlet – Aktivity během dne – Listening Exercise

Domácí úkol 7.3

7.3 – Quizlet – Aktivity během dne – Matching

7.3 – Osobní hygiena

7.3 – Quizlet – Osobní hygiena – Flashcards

7.3 – Quizlet Osobní hygiena – Quizlet – Learning Exercise

7.3 – Osobní hygiena

7.3 – Reflexives si/se – Osobní hygiena

7.3 – Reflexive si/se – Osobní hygiena

7.3 – Reality Czech – Sprchujete se radši ráno nebo večer?

7.3 – Reality Czech – Sprchujete se radši ráno nebo večer?

7.3 – Produkty – Osobní hygiena

 7.3 – Quizlet – Produkty (Osobní hygiena) – Flashcards

7.3 – Quizlet – Produkty (Osobní hygiena) – Learning Exercise

7.3 – Quizlet – Osobní hygiena a Produkty (Osobní hygiena) – Listening Exercise

7.4 – 7. lekce, 4. den

7.4 – coming and going – přicházet a odcházet

Domácí úkol 7.4

7.4 – Conjugation of přicházet and odcházet

7.4 – Reality Czech – V kolik hodin obvykle odcházíte na univerzitu nebo do práce?

7.4 – Reality Czech – V kolik hodin obvykle odcházíte na univerzitu nebo do práce?

7.4 – Reality Czech – Kdy obvykle obědváte?

7.4 – Reality Czech – Kdy obvykle obědváte?

7.4 – Indefinite Time Window

7.4 – Indefinite Time Windows

7.4 – Reality Czech – V kolik hodin obvykle večeříte?

7.4 – Reality Czech – V kolik hodin obvykle večeříte?

7.4 – čekat 'to wait'

7.4 – čekat 'to wait'

7.4 – pozdě – ‘late’ vs. včas ‘on time’

7.4 – pozdě – ‘to be late’ vs. včas ‘on time’

7.5 – 7. lekce, 5. den

7.5 – Introduction to Aspect

Domácí úkol 7.5

7.5 – Recognize aspect equivalent in English

7.5 – Aspectual Pairs

7.5 – Quizlet – Aspectual Pairs – Flashcards

7.5 – Quizlet – Aspectual Pairs – Learning Exercise

7.5 – Quizlet – Aspectual Pairs – Matching

7.5 – Choose Correct Aspect Form

7.5 – Process vs. Completed Act Key Words, part 1

7.5 – Aspect Practice – Process (Imperfective) vs. Complete Act (Perfective)

7.5 – Quizlet – Aspectual Pairs – Write Perfective Form

7.6 – 7. lekce, 6. den

7.6 – Quizlet – Aspectual Pairs – Matching

7.6 – Quizlet – Aspectual Pairs – Write Perfective Form

7.6 – Quizlet – Aspectual Pairs – Listen and Write Pair

7.6 – Activities that Lack a Natural Completion

Domácí úkol 7.6

7.6 – Verbs Indicating States

7.6 – Translation Sentences with Verbs Indicating States

7.6 – Summary of Types of Verbs

7.6 – Simultaneous and Sequential Actions

7.6 – Quizlet – Simultaneous and Sequential Keywords – Flashcards

7.6 – Quizlet – Simultaneous and Sequential Keywords – Learning Exercise

7.6 – Aspect (sequences and simultaneous actions)

7.6 – Quizlet – Simultaneous and Sequential Keywords – Listening Exercise

7.6 – Translation Sentences Simultaneous and Sequential Actions

7.7 – 7. lekce, 7. den

7.7 – Quizlet – Simultaneous and Sequential Keywords – Matching

7.7 – Quizlet – Simultaneous and Sequential Keywords – Listening Exercise

7.7 – Quizlet – Aspectual Pairs – Matching

7.7 – Simultaneous vs. Sequential Actions — more practice

7.7 – Reality Czech – Kolik hodin obvykle spíte?

Domácí úkol 7.7

7.7 – Reality Czech – Kolik hodin obvykle spíte?

7.7 – Duration of an Activity

 7.7 – Duration of an Activity – Translation

7.7 – Time for Completion

7.7 – Time for Completion – Translation

7.7 – Process vs. Completed Act Key Words, part 2

7.7 – Time Duration vs. Time Completion

7.7 – Summary of Imperfective and Perfective in Past Tense

7.8 – 7. lekce, 8. den

7.8 – Additional Aspectual Pairs

7.8 – Quizlet – Additional Aspectual Pairs – Flashcards

7.8 – Quizlet – Additional Aspectual Pairs – Learning Exercise

7.8 – Perfective Infinitives

Domácí úkol 7.8

7.8 – Co všechno tam můžete udělat?

7.8 – coming and going, part 2 – perfective forms

7.8 – What you can do… What you need to do…

7.8 – Quizlet – Modal Verbs – Flashcards

7.8 – Quizlet – Modal Verbs – Learning Exercise

7.8 – Quizlet – Modal Verbs – Listening Exercise

7.8 – Aspect and Infinitive – Translation Sentences

7.8 – Reality Czech – Co musíte dělat každý den?

7.8 – Reality Czech – Co musíte dělat každý den?

7.9 – 7. lekce, 9. den

7.9 – Quizlet – Additional Aspectual Pairs – Learning Exercise

 7.9 – Quizlet – Additional Aspectual Pairs – Matching

7.9 – Imperfective Verbs in the Present Tense

7.9 – Imperfective Verbs in the Present Tense  – Translation

Domácí úkol 7.9

7.9 – Perfective Verbs in the Present Tense

7.9 – Perfective Verbs in the Present Tense – Translation

7.9 – Additional Notes on Sequences of Events and Aspect

7.9 – Having a bite to eat, having a drink…

7.9 – Quizlet – Eating/Drinking Verbs – Learning Exercise

7.9 – Reality Czech – Co děláte každé ráno?

7.9 – Reality Czech – Co děláte každé ráno?

7.9 – Morning Routine – Translation

7.9 – Summary of Imperfective and Perfective in Present Tense

7.10 – 7. lekce, 10. den

7.10 – Quizlet – All Aspectual Pairs – Learning Exercise

7.10 – Quizlet – All Aspectual Pairs – Write Perfective Form

7.10 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte odpoledne?

Domácí úkol 7.10

7.10 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte odpoledne?

7.10 – Reality Czech – Jak vypadá váš večer?

7.10 – Reality Czech – Jak vypadá váš večer?

7.10 – Buď…nebo…