Unit 6 Table of Contents

unit 6 – table of contents

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unit 6 – table of contents
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6. lekce – Sport a koníčky / Unit 6 – Sports a Hobbies

This unit focuses on talking about your daily life and activities, including what you do on which days of the week, what time you do things, etc. You will be introduced to a wide array of new activities to talk about what you frequently do (or do not do). We will additionally discuss music and film taste, hobbies, and sports.

Communicative Goals



  • talk about sports you like to play or hobbies that you engage in
  • state when you typically do various activities
  • describe how often you do various activities
  • talk about things that took place in the past
  • talk about things that you used to do, but no longer do
  • discuss things you have to do, such as chores or responsibilities
  • days of the week
  • clock time
  • past tense
  • time expressions in accusative
  • každý time expressions
  • simultaneous and sequential actions
  • time duration (ACC)
  • s  INSTR

Unit 6 – Vocabulary List

  • sports
  • hobbies
  • leisure activities
  • films (genres)
  • music (genres)
  • playing instruments
  • days of the week
  • sám /sama – on one’s own, by one’s self
  • moct ‘to be able’
  • snažit se ‘to try’




These lessons and exercises should be completed before meeting with your instructor.

These activities should be completed with your instructor/class.

These assignments should be completed after the designated class meeting.

Pre-class Lesson

Unit 6 – Activity Book

Post-class Homework

Pre-class Canvas Quiz

Pre-class Video

Pre-class Vocabulary or Grammar Drill

For more information about using these materials, see Using the Reality Czech Curriculum

6.1 – 6. lekce, 1. den

6.1 – Aktivity a koníčky

Domácí úkol 6.1

6.1 – Quizlet – Aktivity a koníčky – Flashcards

6.1 – Quizlet – Aktivity a koníčky – Learning Exercise

6.1 – Aktivity a koníčky

6.1 – Volný čas/volno

6.1 – Reality Czech – Co děláte, když máte volno?

6.1 – Reality Czech – Co děláte, když máte volno?

6.1 – Reality Czech – Sportujete? Jak často? Co děláte?

6.1 – Reality Czech – Sportujete? Jak často?

6.1 – snažit se – 'to try'

6.1 – Practice with snažit se -'to try'

6.1 – Translations with snažit se – 'to try'

6.1 – I would like to… with chtěl(a) bych

6.1 – I would like to… with chtěl(a) bych

6.1 – Quizlet – Aktivity a koníčky – Listening Exercise

6.2 – 6. lekce, 2. den

6.2 – Czech days of the week

Domácí úkol 6.2

6.2 – Quizlet – Dny v týdnu – Flashcards

6.2 – Quizlet – Dny v týdnu – Learning Exercise

6.2 – Quizlet – V který den – Write it out

6.2 – Quizlet – Dny v týdnu / Ve který den – Combined Listening Exercise

6.2 – Listen to days of the week and choose meaning

6.2 – Czech Days of the Week

6.2 – Every day, week, month… Time Expressions with každý

6.2 – Saying how often you do things

6.2 – Times of the Day

6.2 – Quizlet – Čas dne – Flashcards

6.2 – Quizlet – Čas dne – Learning Exercise

6.2 – Times of the Day – Translation Sentences

6.2 – Reality Czech – Jak často máte volno?

6.2 – Reality Czech – Jak často máte volno?

6.2 – O víkendu…

 6.2 – O víkendu… – Translation Sentences

6.2 – Časová období – Flashcards

6.2 – Časová období – Listening Exercise

6.3 – 6. lekce, 3. den

6.3 – Introduction to going with jít 'to go (by foot)'

Domácí úkol 6.3

6.3 – Kde nebo Kam?

6.3 – Místa ‘Places’

6.3 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Flashcards

6.3 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Learning Exercise

6.3 – Introduction to Destinations

6.3 – do vs. na

6.3 – irregular genitive sg. locations

6.3 – Destinations Fill in Blanks

6.3 – chodit vs. jít ‘to go by foot’

6.3 – Conjugation of the verb chodit

6.3 – chodit – present tense

6.3 – Choose chodit or jít

6.3 – motion by foot (jít and chodit) – present tense

6.3 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Listening Exercise

6.4 – 6. lekce, 4. den

6.4 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Matching

Domácí úkol 6.4

6.4 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Listening Exercise

6.4 – going by vehicle – the verbs jezdit and jet

6.4 – jezdit vs. jet

6.4 – Conjugation of the Verb jet ‘to go by vehicle (det.)’

6.4 – jet – present tense

6.4 – Conjugation of the Verb jezdit ‘to go by vehicle (indet.)’

6.4 – jezdit – present tense

6.4 – motion by vehicle (jet and jezdit) – present tense

6.5 – 6. lekce, 5. den

6.5 – Quizlet – Aktivity a koníčky – Matching

Domácí úkol 6.5

6.5 – Quizlet – Aktivity a koníčky – Listening Exercise

6.5 – With me, with you…

6.5 – s ‘with’ Personal Pronoun

6.5 – Saying 'with' using s  INSTR

6.5 – Quizlet – Instrumental Singular – s 'with'

6.5 – S kým?

6.5 – On your own – sám, sama

6.5 – On your own – sám, sama

6.6 – 6. lekce, 6. den

6.6 – Quizlet – Aktivity a koníčky – Writing Exercise

6.6 – Past Tense, part 1

Domácí úkol 6.6

6.6 – Past Tense, part 1

6.6 – Past Tense, part 2

6.6 – Past Tense, part 2

6.6 – A few words to talk about the past…

6.6 – Practicing the Past Tense

6.6 – Practicing Word Order with Past Tense

6.6 – saying 'used to…'

6.6 – Co jste (dřív) dělali?

6.6 – saying ‘last _______’ – minulý

6.6 – minulý pátek, minulou středu…

6.6 – 2nd-position Elements

6.6 – Review of reflexive se and si

6.7 – 6. lekce, 7. den

6.7 – Quizlet – Čas dne – Learning Exercise

6.7 – Quizlet – Čas dne – Listening Exercise

6.7 – Talking about the Weather in the Past

Domácí úkol 6.7

6.7 – Weather in the Past

6.7 – Past Tense Forms of jít ‘to go by foot’

6.7 – Past Tense of jít ‘to go by foot’

6.7 – Past Tense Forms of chodit 'to go by foot (regularly)'

6.7 – chodit – past tense

6.7 – chodit vs. jít (past tense)

6.7 – motion by foot (chodit vs jít) – past tense – translation

6.7 – Past tense forms of jet 'to go by vehicle'

6.7 – jet – past tense

6.7 – Past Tense Forms of jezdit 'to go by foot (regularly)

6.7 – jezdit – past tense

6.7 – jezdit vs. jet (past tense)

6.7 – jezdit vs. jet

6.7 – motion by vehicle (jezdit and jet) – past tense – translation

6.7 – A tak… A proto…

6.7 – A tak… A proto… – Translation Sentences

6.8 – 6. lekce, 8. den

6.8 – Reality Czech – Díváte se často na televizi? Na co se obvykle díváte?

Domácí úkol 6.8

6.8 – Reality Czech – Díváte se často na televizi? Na co se obvykle díváte?

6.8 – Reality Czech – Jaké filmy máte rádi? Na jaké filmy se obvykle díváte?

6.8 – Reality Czech – Jaké filmy máte rádi? Na jaké filmy se obvykle díváte?

6.8 – Reality Czech – Který film jste viděli naposled?

6.8 – Reality Czech – Který film jste viděli naposled?

6.8 – Watching tv/movies – dívat se, koukat, vidět

6.8 – Liking tv, movies, music (and more!) – líbit se

6.8 – less, more…the least, the most…

 6.8 – Liking tv, movies, music (and more!) – líbit se

6.8 – things you liked – líbit se in the past tense

6.8 – things you liked – líbit se in the past tense

6.8 – Filmy

6.8 – Filmy Co se vám líbí? Co se vám nelíbí?

6.8 – Televize

6.8 – Česká televize

6.9 – 6. lekce, 9. den

6.9 – Hudba

Domácí úkol 6.9

6.9 – Hudba – Translations

6.9 – Reality Czech – Jakou máte rádi hudbu?

6.9 – Reality Czech – Jakou máte rádi hudbu?

6.9 – Reality Czech – Jak často posloucháte hudbu?

6.9 – Reality Czech – Jak často posloucháte hudbu?

6.9 – Reality Czech – Náplavka

6.9 – Reality Czech – Náplavka

6.9 – Hudební nástroje

6.9 – Reality Czech – Hrajete na hudební nástroj?

6.9 – Reality Czech – Hrajete na hudební nástroj?

6.9 – Jak dlouho to děláš? – How long have you been doing something?

6.9 – Jak dlouho…? – Translation Sentences

6.9 – Talking about Age

6.9 – Reality Czech – Kolik je jim let?

6.9 – Age in the Past

6.9 – Starting and Stopping Activities

6.9 – Kolik jim bylo let, když začali/přestali…?

6.10 – 6. lekce, 10. den

6.10 – Koníčky – Hobbies

Domácí úkol 6.10

6.10 – Quizlet – Koníčky a aktivity – Listening Exercise

6.10 – Quizlet – Aktivity a koníčky – Matching

6.10 – Reality Czech – Máte nějaké jiné koníčky?

6.10 – Reality Czech – Máte nějaké jiné koníčky?

6.10 – Verbal Nouns

6.10 – Form Verbal Nouns

6.10 – koníčky – hobbies – translation

6.10 – Question words in Czech

6.10 – Question Words

6.10 – Indefinite Expressions

6.10 – Indefinite Translations

6.10 – Negated Indefinite Expressions

6.10 – Pan Záporný nikdy nic nechce – Mr. Negative

6.11 – 6. lekce, 11. den

6.11 – Domácí povinnosti

Domácí úkol 6.11

6.11 – Quizlet – Domácí povinnosti – Flashcards

6.11 – Quizlet – Domácí povinnosti – Learning Exercise

6.11 – Quizlet – Domácí povinnosti – Listening Exercise

6.11 – Reality Czech – Máte doma často nepořádek?

6.11 – Reality Czech – Máte doma často nepořádek?

6.11 – muset – 'must, have to'

6.11 – muset – 'must, have to' translation

6.11 – Reality Czech – Co musíte dělat každý den?

6.11 – Reality Czech – Co musíte dělat každý den?

6.11 – Reality Czech – Často uklízíte? Co všechno děláte?

6.11 – Reality Czech – Často uklízíte? Co všechno děláte?

6.11 – Quizlet – Domácí povinnosti – Matching