7.1 – V kolik hodin? – At what time?

7.1 – V kolik hodin? – At what time?

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7.1 – V kolik hodin? – At what time?
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7.1 – V kolik hodin? – At what time?

Saying “at what time”

If you want to say “at a certain time”, just put the word v in front of the time. Technically speaking, the time after the preposition v is in the accusative case, though this will practically speaking almost never matter, except in one instance (see below)

v devět hodin

ve tři hodiny

v pět hodin

ve dvanáct hodin.

So the only time it would ever change is with jedna hodina. If you want to say at 1:00, you would say v jednu hodinu:

v jednu hodinu

v sedm hodin a čtyřicet pět minut

V deset hodin a deset minut

ve čtrnáct hodin a pět minut

ve dvanáct hodin a třicet minut

One last note… v or ve?

So you’ve probably noticed that there are both forms v and ve for the word meaning ‘at’. When do you use which? It turns out it’s pretty easy:


when  the number starts with a difficult cluster:

ve dvě hodiny – at two o’clock

ve tři hodiny – at three o’clock

ve čtyři hodiny – at four o’clock

ve čtrnáct hodin – at fourteen o’clock (i.e. 2 o’clock)


everywhere else:

v jednu hodinu – at one o’clock

v pět hodin – at five o’clock

v osm hodin – at eight o’clock

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