4.4 – Things to do when it’s cold or snowing…

4.4 – Things to do when it's cold or snowing…

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4.4 – Things to do when it's cold or snowing…
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4.4 – Things to do when it's cold or snowing…

Co můžete dělat, když sněží?

In this unit you will learn some verbs to talk about things that you might do when it’s cold and/or snowing outside. Here they have been divided into -á-, -í-, and -e- verbs in order to help you with conjugation.

á- verbs (see 2.2 – Conjugation of -á- verbs)

odpočívat – to relax

-í- verbs (see 2.2 – Conjugation of -í- verbs)

vařit – to cook

stavět sněhuláka – to build a snowman

chodit do kina – to go (regularly) to the movies

chodit do divadla – to go (regularly) to the the theater

bruslit – to skate

-e- verbs  (see 2.4 – Conjugation of -e- verbs)

pít čaj – to drink tea

pít kávu – to drink coffee

pít horkou čokoládu – to drink hot chocolate

číst si – to read (for pleasure)

koulovat se – to throw snowballs

sáňkovat – to sled

hrát si ve sněhu – to play in the snow

lyžovat – to ski

běžkovat / chodit na běžky[1] – to go cross-country skiing

Images used in this document come from these sources.

[1] chodit na běžky is more to go cross-country skiing, as in to go somewhere to do the activity, whereas běžkovat is the actual activity itself.