5.3 – Talking about how people looked — basic past tense forms

5.3 – Talking about how people looked — basic past tense forms

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5.3 – Talking about how people looked — basic past tense forms
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5.3 – Talking about how people looked — basic past tense forms

In this lesson we are going to learn some basic forms to talk about people looked in the past, e.g. what they had on yesterday, that they used to have long hair, etc.

For this, we’re going to be focusing on the verbs být and mít in the past tense, although the rules we learn here will be applicable to other verbs we know as well. The past tense is formed by combining a form of the main verb with the auxiliary (which is just the verb být in the present tense – except in the 3rd person forms, where there is no auxiliary).

l-form AUX

l-form AUX

byl / byla


byli / byly


byl / byla


byl / byla – formal

byli / byly – plural


byl / byla / bylo

no aux

byli / byly

no aux


You might be describing someone that you saw:

Byl štíhlý a vysoký.

He was skinny and tall.

Byla malá a štíhlá.

She was a short and skinny.

We’ll also need the past tense forms of mít:

l-form AUX

l-form AUX

měl / měla


měli / měly


měl / měla


měl / měla – formal

měli / měly – plural


měl / měla / mělo

no aux

měli / měly

no aux


Měla blonďaté vlasy a modré oči.

She had blond hair and blue eyes.

Měl na sobě košili, sako a džíny.

He had a shirt, jacket, and jeans on.

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