7.6 – Summary of Types of Verbs

7.6 – Summary of Types of Verbs

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7.6 – Summary of Types of Verbs
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7.6 – Summary of Types of Verbs

Most verbs exist in pairs in Czech, however this is not always the case. The following table outlines when you will typically find pairs in Czech and when you will not. A full list of pairs for verbs we have learned so far (plus a few more) is given in Aspectual Pairs



Completable Actions

  • Describes an activity without saying whether the activity reached an inherent goal state. Instead, the focus is on the activity itself, such as the following:
  • writing a paper – psát esej
  • building a house – stavět dům
  • vacuuming a rug – luxovat koberec
  • cleaning an apartment –
  • Describes an activity with an inherent goal state that the activity leads toward. These types of activities ultimately culminate in a completed action:
  • I wrote a paper – Napsal(a) jsem esej.
  • I built a house – Postavil(a) jsem dům.
  • I vacuumed the rug – Vyluxoval(a) jsem koberec.
  • I cleaned the apartment – Uklidil(a) jsem byt

Goal-less Activities

  • Describe activities that lack an inherent goal state:
  • shouting – křičet
  • running – běhat
  • skiing – lyžovat
  • thinking – myslet
  • Since these activities lack an inherent goal state, there is no completed act to speak of.
  • If they do have a perfective partner, then it typically means to do some limited amount of the activity, e.g. zakřičet ‘to shout (some)’, proběhnout se / zaběhat si – ‘to have a run, go for a run’, however, learning to use these only important once you’ve advanced a bit in Czech.


  • Describes ongoing states.
  • having – mít
  • standing – stát
  • sitting – sedět
  • lying – ležet
  • being – být
  • States lack an inherent goal state and there is NO PERFECTIVE