8.6 – Some words to talk about the future

8.6 – Some Words to talk about the Future

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8.6 – Some Words to talk about the Future
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8.6 – Some words to talk about the future

Time Adverbs

  • zítra                        tomorrow
  • pozítří                        the day after tomorrow


za ACC                in (a certain amount of time)

  • za (jeden) rok                 in one year
  • za dva roky                 in two years
  • za pět let                 in five years

  • za (jeden) týden        in one week
  • za dva týdny                in two weeks
  • za pět let                in five years

  • za (jednu) hodinu        in one hour
  • za dvě hodiny                in two hours
  • za pět hodin                in five hours

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