9.1 – Review of Months
Take a moment to review the months in Czech:
Name of month |
Etymology |
English |
In the month… |
leden |
led – ice
because it’s really cold in this month, hence the ice |
January |
v lednu |
únor |
nořit se – to bob
the ice in the rivers and ponds would bob up and down |
February |
v únoru |
březen |
bříza – birch
birch trees start to sprout their blossoms early in the spring |
March |
v březnu |
duben |
dub – oak
the oak trees begin to grow their leaves |
April |
v dubnu |
květen |
květina – flower
flowers begin to blossom during this time |
May |
v květnu |
červen |
červený – red
many of the red flowers as well as fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and cherries come out during červen |
June |
v červnu |
červenec |
červený – red
červenec continues with more red flowers and fruits |
July |
v červenci |
srpen |
srp – sickle
this is the beginning of the harvest, when the sickle is used to gather grain and other food products are collected from the fields |
August |
v srpnu |
září |
za říje – during the rut
deer begin their rut in this season, mating before the winter cold |
September |
v září |
říjen |
říj – rut
deer continue their rut |
October |
v říjnu |
listopad |
listy padají – leaves fall
though leaves fall typically a bit earlier, but this point the trees are typically bare |
November |
v listopadu |
prosinec |
siný (Old Cz.) – gray blue
nights are longest in December – the deep gray blue of the night sky is extra apparent at this time |
December |
v prosinci |