7.3 – Reflexives si/se – Osobní hygiena

7.3 – Reflexives si/se – Osobní hygiena

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7.3 – Reflexives si/se – Osobní hygiena
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7.3 – Reflexives si/se – Osobní hygiena

We’re going to be seeing some variation of the use of reflexive pronouns (or the absence of them as well). Two points to remember:

  1. When using these reflexive pronouns, they will always go in 2nd-position.
  2. The use of se, si or no reflexive pronouns depends on what you are trying to say. Here is a table that explains the various uses you will encounter:

reflexive se (acc.)

reflexive si (dat.)


i.e. – someone else

oblékám se – ‘I am getting dressed’

holím se – ‘I am shaving’

myju se – ‘I am washing off’

čistím si zuby – ‘I am brushing my teeth’

holím si nohy – ‘I am shaving my legs’

češu si vlasy – ‘I am combing my hair’

myju si ruce – ‘I am washing my hands’

myju si vlasy – ‘I am washing my hair’

oblékám si svetr – ‘I am putting on a sweater’

oblékám syna – ‘I am dressing my son’

myju nádobí – ‘I am washing the dishes’

With the reflexive pronoun se, the person doing the action is doing it to themselves. At a very technical level, se is in the accusative case and is the direct object of the verb, i.e. the person is washing, shaving, dressing themself.

With the reflexive pronoun si, the person is doing the action to something else, typically a body part, with obvious benefit to them. It is the dative because the person is washing, shaving, brushing those body parts for themself.

With no reflexive of any kind, the action of the verb is directed toward something or someone else.