3.4 – Preferring things – rád, radši

3.4 – Preferring things – rád, radši

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3.4 – Preferring things – rád, radši
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3.4 – Preferring things – rád, radši


prefer / like more / like the most

like doing

(dancing, reading, writing, exercising, etc.)

We have learned how to say that you like doing something (rád/a  conjugated verb)…

Rád/a zpívám.

I like to sing.

Nerad/a uklízím.

I don’t like to clean.

We have also learned how to say you prefer doing something (radši or nejradši conjugated verb).

Radši zpívám než uklízím.

I like to sing more than I like to clean.

Nejradši tančím.

I like dancing the most.

like something

(bananas, chocolate, beer, etc.)

Additionally, we have learned how to say that we like something (mám rád/a _________).

Mám rád/a pivo.

In this lesson we will learn how to say that you prefer something or like something the most.


If you want to say that you prefer something (i.e. like it more than something else), use the word radši in combination with the verb and the word než ‘than’. The word radši works for all genders.

As you can see, both items (or people) that you like are in the accusative since they are both understood as being the object of liking:

Mám radši pivo než kávu.

I beer more than coffee.

Sára má radši rajskou polévku než čočkovou.

Sára likes tomato soup more than lentil (soup).


To say that you like something the most, use the form nejradši (for all genders):

Mám nejradši zelený čaj.

I like green tea the most/best.

Mám nejradši české pivo.

I like Czech beer the most/best.