2.9 – Preferring Activities – radši, nejradši

2.9 – Preferring Activities – radši, nejradši

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2.9 – Preferring Activities – radši, nejradši
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2.9 – Preferring Activities – radši, nejradši


If you want to say that you prefer to do something (i.e. like doing something more than

something else), use the word radši in combination with the verb and the word než ‘than’. The word radši works for all genders.

As you can see, both verbs are conjugated for the person they refer to (I, you, he, she, etc.):

Radši tancuju než zpívám.

I like to dance more than I like to sing.

Martina radši mluví česky než (mluví) anglicky.

Martina likes to speak Czech more than she likes to speak English.


To say that you like doing something the most, use the form nejradši (for all genders) conjugated verb:

Rád zpívám a tancuju, ale nejradši odpočívám doma.

I like to sing and dance, but I like resting at home the most.

Radši hraju golf než fotbal, ale nejradši hraju tenis.

I like to play golf more than soccer, but I like playing tennis the most.

[1] the form nějraději is a bit bookish/formal sounding. Better to use nejradši in everyday speech.