8.8 – Overview of Aspect in Future Tense

8.8 – Overview of Aspect in Future Tense

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8.8 – Overview of Aspect in Future Tense
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8.8 – Overview of Aspect in Future Tense



Future Tense

Future Activity without Reference to Completion – here the activity is the ultimate focus. Whether some action will be completed is not is left unspecified.

V sobotu večer nejspíš budu číst.

On Saturday evening I will most likely read.

Frequent Activity – here more emphasis is put on the activity itself rather than any ultimate completion of an action.

Příští týden budu vstávat každý den v půl šesté, protože budu pracovat ráno.

Next week I will wake up every day at 5:30 because I’ll be working in the morning.

Příští týden budu dělat domácí úkoly asi každý večer.

Next week I will do homework probably every evening.

Action Will Be Completed – plan, intention, or similar statement that an action will be completed.

Přečtu ten článek dneska večer.

I will read (through) that article tonight.

Napíšu Honzovi v pátek.

I’ll write Honza on Friday.

Udělám to zítra.

I will do that tomorrow.