8.2 – Lots of things! Counting lots of people, objects, etc.

8.2 – Lots of things! Counting lots of people, objects, etc.

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8.2 – Lots of things! Counting lots of people, objects, etc.
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8.2 – Lots of things! Counting lots of people, objects, etc.

As you saw in the previous video, we see a lot of genitive plural . We’re going to take the time now to review the genitive plural so we can talk about all the things that are our own universities, home towns, etc.

Masculine Animate

Masculine Inanimate



Hard stem Nouns





Soft stem Nouns



růží / kolejí / věcí

moří / náměstí


-ých / -ích


Make sure you include the kroužek over the ending -ů or it will be confused with the genitive singular (fotka stolu ‘a picture of a table’ vs. fotka stolů ‘a picture of tables’).

hodně kamarádů

‘a lot of friends’

několik bytů

‘a few apartments’

Feminine and Neuter


The ending for the feminine is -ø (i.e. no ending) for all hard-stem nouns, and soft-stem nouns ending in -ice (e.g. ulice ‘street’) and -yně (e.g. sportovkyně ‘[female] athlete’). This means that you delete the final -a or -e from these words to form the genitive plural.

hodně knih

‘a lot of books’

několik map

‘a few maps’


The ending for the neuter is also -ø for all hard-stem nouns and soft-stem nouns ending in -iště (e.g. letiště ‘airport’). The genitive plural of soft-stem nouns ending in -iště is -išť (the final ť remains soft).

několik piv

‘a few beers’

***fill vowels***

When you remove the final vowel (i.e. -ø for many feminine and neuter nouns), sometimes you will end up with a consonant cluster at the end of the word, e.g. studentka → studentk. In these instances, Czech uses the fill vowel –e– to break up the consonant cluster.

hodně studentek

‘many students (f.)’

několik oken

‘a few windows’

pět jablek

‘five apples’

Adjectives are relatively straightforward with a single ending regardless of gender:

Masculine Animate

Masculine Inanimate



Hard stem Adjective



Soft stem Adjective



Karel má hodně nových kamarádů.

‘Karel has many new friends.’

Koupil jsem si pět zajímavých knih.

‘I bought five interesting books.’