6.8 – less, more…the least, the most…

6.8 – less, more…the least, the most…

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6.8 – less, more…the least, the most…
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

6.8 – less, more…the least, the most…

Below you will find another set of words you will find useful for qualifying how much you do of something.

méně / míň                


více / víc        


nejméně / nejmíň        

‘the least’

nejvíce / nejvíc        

‘the most’


For example, you can combine líbit se with the following qualifiers:

Tenhle film se mi líbí trochu míň.

I like this movie a little less.

To nové album se mi líbí trochu víc.

I like the new album a little more.

Jeho nový film se mi líbí nejvíce.

I like his new movie the best.

Nejvíc se mi líbí tahle písnička.

I like this song the best.

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