9.7 – Indeterminate Verbs (chodit, jezdit) and goal-less motion

9.7 – Indeterminate Verbs (chodit, jezdit) and goal-less motion

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9.7 – Indeterminate Verbs (chodit, jezdit) and goal-less motion
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9.7 – Indeterminate Verbs (chodit, jezdit) and goal-less motion

Let’s begin with a reminder of when indeterminate verbs are used and when determinate verbs are used:

Now we are going to learn an additional meaning for indeterminate verbs:

indeterminate (chodit, jezdit)

determinate (jít, jet)

  • habitual acts of going – use the verbs chodit, jezdit when you are describing frequent or habitual trips.

Často chodím do parku.

‘I often go to the park.’

Chodila jsem do hospody dvakrát týdně.

‘I used to go to the pub twice a week.’

  • single trip – use the verb jít, jet when you describing a single trip from point A to point B.

Teď jdeme do parku.

We’re going to the park now.

Včera večer jsme šli do kina.

This evening we’re going to the movies.

Zítra půjdeme na zajímavou přednášku.

‘Tomorrow we will go to an interesting lecture.’

  • goal-less motion

Často chodím po tom krásném parku.

‘I often walk around that beautiful park.’

Dnes večer budou Bára a Filip chodit po krásném parku.

‘This evening Bára and Filip are going to walk around a beautiful park.’

As we see, we now have an additional meaning, namely that there was no specific destination, but rather goal-less motion.