6.1 – I would like to… with chtěl(a) bych
We have seen the forms chtěl bych to mean “would like”. Please review forms below:
chtěl / chtěla bych ‘I would like’ |
chtěli / chtěly bychom ‘we would like’ |
chtěl / chtěla bys ‘you would like’ |
chtěl / chtěla byste ‘you (formal) would like’ chtěli / chtěly byste ‘you (plural) would like’ |
chtěl / chtěla by ‘he/she would like’ |
chtěli / chtěly by ‘they would like’ |
In this unit, we’re going to talk about some of the activities you wish you did more (or less) using the following words:
častěji – more often
více/víc – more
méně/míň / less
Note – forms víc and míň are more colloquial ways of saying ‘more’ and ‘less’.
Chtěl bych víc běhat. |
Chtěla bych hrát tenis častěji. |
Chtěli bychom se méně dívat na televizi. |
Note on word order:
This won’t come up a lot now, but technically the forms bych, bys, by… all are in 2nd position (just like se and si, see 2.5 – Reflexive se and si and 2nd position), so if something comes first in the sentence, the order will be switched around, e.g. – Chtěl bych čaj vs. Já bych chtěl víc cvičit; Chtěli by víc cvičit vs. Petr a Sára by chtěli víc cvičit.
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