8.6 – Future Tense of the verb být ‘to be’

8.6 – Future Tense of the verb být 'to be'

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8.6 – Future Tense of the verb být 'to be'
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8.6 – Future Tense of the verb být 'to be'

In this unit we will be learning the future tense of the verb být ‘to be’. In English we express the future tense either using will (I will be) or going to (I am going to be). In Czech, we use the following forms:

The endings are as follows:













Kde budeš zítra?

Where will you be tomorrow?’

Pavel bude doma.

‘Pavel will be at home.’

Příští týden budu v Praze.

‘Next week I’m going to be in Prague.’

The forms budu, budeš… are negated just like any other verb (i.e. the particle ne- is added to the beginning of the word).

V pondělí nebudu v práci.

I won’t be at work on Monday.

Zítra nebude horko.

‘It won’t be hot tomorrow.’