8.7 – Future of Determinate Verbs
jít ‘to go by foot’ and jet ‘to go by vehicle’
So remember that determinate verbs
jít ‘to go by foot’
The future tense is formed by adding pů- to the beginning of the verb. The forms are as follows:
(já) |
půjdu |
(my) |
půjdeme |
(ty) |
půjdeš |
(vy) |
půjdete |
(on/ona/ono) |
půjde |
(oni/ony/ona) |
půjdou |
Dnes večer půjdu na pivo.
‘Tonight I’ll go for a beer.’
Příští týden půjdeme spolu do kina.
‘Next week we will go to the movies together.’
jet ‘to go by vehicle’
The future tense is formed by adding po- to the beginning of the verb (note that it is different than jít, which uses pů- and has forms půjdu, půjdeš…). The forms are as follows:
(já) |
pojedu |
(my) |
pojedeme |
(ty) |
pojedeš |
(vy) |
pojedete |
(on/ona/ono) |
pojede |
(oni/ony/ona) |
pojedou |
Příští týden pojedeme do Chorvatska.
‘Next week we will go to Croatia’
Zítra asi pojedu na výlet.
‘Tomorrow I will probably go for a trip.’