10.10 – ‘from’ a location
If you want to say ‘from’ in Czech…
- Use z GEN to say ‘from’ for both v and na words
- Use od GEN to say ‘from’ when you are saying ‘from a person’ (as in a gift from someone) or ‘from their house’ (as in I’m coming from someone’s house); additionally it means away from locations and is also frequently used with words like moře or jezero
These rules are summarized in the chart:
‘from’ (odkud) source |
‘at’ (kde) location |
‘to’ (kam) destination |
v word |
z GEN jdu z hospody |
v LOC jsem v hospodě |
do GEN jdu do hospody |
na word |
z GEN jdu z koncertu |
na LOC jsem na koncertě |
na ACC jdu na koncert |
person |
od GEN jdu od Pavla |
u GEN jsem u Pavla |
k DAT jdu k Pavlovi |
Letíme z Prahy do Hanoje.
We’re flying from Prague to Hanoi.
Často létám z Prahy do Moskvy.
I often fly from Prague to Moscow.
Petr a Julie jeli z Austinu do Dallasu.
Petr and Julie went from Austin to Dallas.
Odjeli jsme od moře včera dopoledne.
We left from the sea(side) yesterday morning.
Images used in this document come from these sources.