5.2 – Facial Features and Skin Color/Complexion
Let’s first start with some more facial features:
vrásky – wrinkles
pihy – freckles
dolíčky – dimples
vousy (frequently pronounced fousy) – facial hair
As you can see in the examples below, it is typical just to say that a person has these features:
Pan Veselý má vrásky. |
Lenka má pihy. |
Lucie má krásné dolíčky. |
Additionally, if we wish to talk about a person’s skin color/complexion, we use the word pleť (f.) ‘complexion’:
světlá pleť – light complexion / light-colored skin
tmavá pleť – dark complexion / dark-colored skin
Additionally, you can describe someone as being bledý ‘pale’
Štěpán má světlou pleť a vousy. |
James má tmavou pleť. |
Petra je trochu bledá. |
Images used in this document come from these sources.