4.9 – Doing things for people – the preposition pro ‘for’ (again)

4.9 – Doing things for people – the preposition pro 'for'

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4.9 – Doing things for people – the preposition pro 'for'
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4.9 – Doing things for people – the preposition pro 'for' (again)

You can buy something for yourself (kupovat si), but we can also buy things for others. If we want to buy something for someone, we’ll need the preposition pro ‘for’. We covered this in 3.10 – pro koho?, but here is a short review:

pro  ACC

The preposition pro ‘for’ is followed by the accusative case. Why the accusative case?


Sometimes you just need to memorize that a certain case (i.e. accusative, genitive, dative, etc.) is found after a preposition. This is one of those instances. You just have to memorize that pro is followed by the accusative case.

Ok, now that that’s out of the way, let’s see some examples:

Petr kupuje náušnice pro přítelkyni.

Petr is buying earrings for his girlfriend.

Kupuju svetr pro Janu.

I’m buying a sweater for Jana.

Lenka kupuje tričko pro přítele.
Lenka is buying a t-shirt for (her) boyfriend.

Remember that the accusative of kdo is koho, so if you want to say ‘for who?’, we say pro koho?

Pro koho kupuješ ten dárek?

Who are you buying that gift for? (for whom are you buying that gift?)

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