4.2 – Czech Months
Czech has special words for each of the months (see table below). These words are often formed from various words indicating what is going on in the surrounding world and the changing seasons. The etymology (origin of a word’s meaning) for each of the months its definition is given in the table below. Finally, the last column tells you how to say in a month, e.g. – v lednu ‘in January’, v květnu ‘in May’.
Name of month |
Etymology |
English |
In the month… |
leden |
led – ice
because it’s really cold in this month, hence the ice |
January |
v lednu |
únor |
nořit se – to bob
the ice in the rivers and ponds would bob up and down |
February |
v únoru |
březen |
bříza – birch
birch trees start to sprout their blossoms early in the spring |
March |
v březnu |
duben |
dub – oak
the oak trees begin to grow their leaves |
April |
v dubnu |
květen |
květina – flower
flowers begin to blossom during this time |
May |
v květnu |
červen |
červený – red
many of the red flowers as well as fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and cherries come out during červen |
June |
v červnu |
červenec |
červený – red
červenec continues with more red flowers and fruits |
July |
v červenci |
srpen |
srp – sickle
this is the beginning of the harvest, when the sickle is used to gather grain and other food products are collected from the fields |
August |
v srpnu |
září |
za říje – during the rut
deer begin their rut in this season, mating before the winter cold |
September |
v září |
říjen |
říj – rut
deer continue their rut |
October |
v říjnu |
listopad |
listy padají – leaves fall
though leaves fall typically a bit earlier, but this point the trees are typically bare |
November |
v listopadu |
prosinec |
siný (Old Cz.) – gray blue
nights are longest in December – the deep gray blue of the night sky is extra apparent at this time |
December |
v prosinci |
Listopad je můj nejoblíbenější měsíc.
November is my favorite month.
Vánoce jsou v prosinci.
Christmas is in December.
Její narozeniny jsou v únoru.
Her birthday is in February.
Images used in this document come from these sources.