7.2 – Conversational Clock Time – Introduction

7.2 – Conversational Clock Time – Introduction

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7.2 – Conversational Clock Time – Introduction
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7.2 – Conversational Clock Time – Introduction

We’ve already learned how to tell time on the hour as well as express how many minutes past the hour it is:

Je jedna hodina.

Jsou dvě hodiny.

Je jedna hodina a patnáct minut.

Jsou dvě hodiny a třicet minut.

However, Czechs have a more colloquial way of expressing time on the quarter and half hour, just like we do in English:

It’s a quarter past four.

It’s half past three.

It’s a quarter to six.

We will now learn to use these forms that are bit more common in everyday speech. In part 1 we will learn about talking about times on the half hour. Then, in part 2, we will learn about times on the quarter hour.

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