6.7 – chodit vs. jít (past tense)

6.7 – chodit vs. jít (past tense)

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6.7 – chodit vs. jít (past tense)
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6.7 – chodit vs. jít (past tense)

In this lesson we are going to review the use of jít vs. chodit and expand our understanding to the past tense.






to go (by foot)

indeterminate (chodit) – these verbs are called indeterminate verbs because they either have many instances of a goal or lack a goal altogether

determinate (jít) – these verbs are called determinate verbs because they have a single one-time goal.

  • habitual acts of going – use the verb chodit when you are describing frequent or habitual trips.

A                                B

Chodila jsem do hospody dvakrát týdně.

‘I used to go to the pub twice a week.’

  • single trip – use the verb jít when you describing a single trip from point A to point B.

A                             B

Včera večer jsme šli do kina.

This evening we’re going to the movies.

We will talk more about the 2nd meaning at a later time, for now you don’t have to worry about it.

  • goal-less motion

Často chodím po tom krásném parku.

‘I often walk around that beautiful park.’

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