6.6 – A few words to talk about the past…

6.6 – A few words to talk about the past…

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6.6 – A few words to talk about the past…
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6.6 – A few words to talk about the past…

A rather small lesson…here are some words that will come in handy.

včera – yesterday – listen to it being pronounced here

předevčírem – the day before yesterday – listen to it being pronounced here

tenkrát – then (lit. that time [in the past])

loni – last year

minulý (týden, měsíc, čtvrtek,…) – last (week, month Thursday,…)

Včera jsem byl doma.

Yesterday I was at home.

Loni jsem nepracovala.

I didn’t work last year.

That’s it!

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