7.8 – coming and going, part 2 – perfective forms

7.8 – coming and going, part 2 – perfective forms

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7.8 – coming and going, part 2 – perfective forms
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7.8 – coming and going, part 2 – perfective forms

In 7.4 coming and going – přicházet a odcházet, you learned about two new verbs used for talking about arriving and departing. Now you can learn about their perfective forms in order to say that someone arrived or departed.

Včera jsem odešla do práce v sedm.

Yesterday I left for work at 7.

Viktor přišel do školy ve dvanáct.

Viktor arrived at school at 12.

As you will note above, the past tense forms of přijít (přišel, přišla…přišli) and odejít (odešel, odešla, odešli) are formed just like jít (šel, šla…šli). Past tense of the imperfective is regular (přicházelodcházel).






to come, arrive



to leave