9.2 – A gift for me? Thanks for the gift!

9.2 – A gift for me? Thanks for the gift!

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9.2 – A gift for me? Thanks for the gift!
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9.2 – A gift for me? Thanks for the gift!

Here we’re going to learn how to say for in two different types of for:

A Gift for Someone:

So you might want to say for in Czech, such as I am buying a gift (dárek) for Milan or She is buying kolaches for the children. So how do you say it?

The word pro means ‘for’ in Czech. It is a preposition. Whenever we learn a preposition in Czech, we will have to learn what form follows it. The preposition pro must be followed by the accusative case:

Mám dárek pro Lenku.

I have a gift for Lenka.

Peču koláče pro studenty.

I am baking kolaches for the students.

Petr kupuje náušnice pro přítelkyni.

Petr is buying earrings for his girlfriend.

Kupuju svetr pro Janu.

I’m buying a sweater for Jana.

Lenka kupuje tričko pro přítele.
Lenka is buying a t-shirt for (her) boyfriend.

Remember that the accusative of kdo is koho, so if you want to say ‘for who?’, we say pro koho?

Pro koho kupuješ ten dárek?

Who are you buying that gift for? (for whom are you buying that gift?)

Thanks for a Gift

If we want to thank someone for a gift, use děkuju za  ACC.

Děkuju za dárek.

Thank you for the gift.

Děkuju za knihu.

Thank you for the book.

Or you can use more colloquial forms such as díky or very colloquially dík:

Díky moc za bonbóny.

Thanks for the candy.

Dík za tričko.

Thanks for the t-shirt.

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