8.5 – O prázdninách, o víkendu – Over Time Periods

8.5 – O prázdninách, o víkendu

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8.5 – O prázdninách, o víkendu
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8.5 – O prázdninách, o víkendu – Over Time Periods

We’ve already encountered these phrases in Czech, but now we’re going to formalize our knowledge of them. These phrases are made by taking the word o ‘about, over’ and following it with a time period in the locative case. Here are some examples:

o víkendu

‘over the weekend’



o prázdninách

‘over the school break’


‘school break’

o zkouškovém období

‘over/during the exam period’

zkouškové období

‘exam period’

o Vánocích

‘over Christmas’



o Velikonocích

‘over Easter’



One thing that each of these periods have in common is that they are all comprised of more than 1 day, whether it’s weekends (2 days), school break (many days), the exam period, etc. Vánoce and Velikonoce refer to many days in the sense of the many celebratory days surrounding them (also in connection with the church celebrations and holiday).

Images used in this document come from these sources.