8.3 – Locative singular

8.3 – Locative Singular

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8.3 – Locative Singular
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8.3 – Locative singular

The locative singular is the case that is used after the following prepositions in Czech:


v/ve ‘in, at’

na ‘on, at’

o ‘about’

po ‘after’

The following endings are used when forming the locative plural. As you can see, there are a few instances where more than one ending is used. This lesson will focus on these endings.

Masculine Animate

Masculine Inanimate





-e / or -u

-e /

-e / or -u


-ovi or -i




Masculine animate:

Masculine animate

hard stem


all animate nouns

Jakub →  o Jakubovi ‘about Jakub’

doktor → o doktorovi ‘about a doctor’

soused → o sousedovi ‘about a neighbor’

soft stem

ovi for proper nouns:  

Aleš → o Alešovi ‘about Aleš’

Tomáš → o Tomášovi ‘about Tomáš’

 -i for all other masculine animate soft stem nouns

učitel  o učiteli ‘about a teacher’

(though o učitelovi is also possible) 

Note: strings of animate/proper nouns behave slightly differently than animate words on their own.  Even though all words of a proper name are animate, only the last word of the phrase uses the -ovi ending.  The preceding nouns take -u if hard and -i if soft. This is a somewhat esoteric rule and is often not followed in colloquial speech, but is worth knowing, at least passively.

o Janu Svěrákovi  ‘about Jan Svěrák’

o Miloši Formanovi  ‘about Miloš Forman’

Masculine inanimate

hard stem

-e /-ě for most nouns ending in t,d,s,z,l:

(see summary of softenings/mutations)

t, d 

byt → v bytě ‘in the apartment’

hrad →  na hradě ‘at the castle’

s, l, z

-e without háček (i.e. written se, ze, le)

les → v lese ‘in the forest’

kostel → v kostele ‘in the church’

-u for most other nouns

park → v parku ‘in the park’

sever → na severu ‘in the north’

exception:  there are some exceptions:

dům →  v domě ‘in the house’

strom →  na stromě ‘in the tree’

chléb →  v chlebě/chlebu ‘in bread’ 

soft stem

-i for all soft stem masculine inanimate nouns:

počítač → o počítači ‘about a computer’

pokoj → v pokoji ‘in the room’


hard stem

-e /-ě

(see summary of softenings/mutations)

banka → v bance ‘in a bank’

Praha → v Praze ‘in Prague’

střecha →  na střeše ‘on the roof’

sestra → o sestře ‘about a sister’

mapa → na mapě ‘on the map’

kráva →  o krávě ‘about a cow’

chata → na chatě ‘at the cottage’

třída → ve třídě ‘in the classroom’

kavárna → v kavárně ‘in the café’

Again, the sounds s, z, l are never ‘softened’ and thus stems ending in s, z, l will be written without a háček ˇ.

z  menza → v menze ‘at the cafeteria’

s  kasa →  v kase ‘in the safe’

l  škola → ve škole ‘at school’

soft stem


consonant final

kolej → na koleji ‘at the dorm’

vowel final

učebnice → v učebnici ‘in the textbook’


hard stem

velars (k, h, g, ch)

-u is used for all neuter nouns whose stems end in velars (k, h, g, ch):

k  oko ‘eye’  v oku ‘in the eye’

after other consonants the ending is generally -e/ě plus applicable softening (see summary of softenings/mutations):

kino v kině ‘in the theater’

jídlo v jídle/jídlu ‘in food’

soft stem

-i (for nouns that normally end in -e)

moře na/v moři ‘at the sea’

letiště na letišti ‘at the airport’

 (for nouns ending in )

náměstí na náměstí ‘on the square’

nádraží na nádraží ‘at the train station’

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