7.8 – Additional Aspectual Pairs

7.8 – Additional Aspectual Pairs

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7.8 – Additional Aspectual Pairs
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7.8 – Additional Aspectual Pairs

The following aspectual pairs are useful and should be learned. At this point, you will begin to use them gradually, so for now it is best to learn to recognize them and use them as needed. Most of these will come up multiple times over the next days of the unit:

klepat  (-e-; klep-)

zaklepat  (-e-; zaklep-)

to knock

lehat (-á-) si

lehnout (-e-; lehn-)

to lie down

nacházet (-í-)

najít  (-e-; najd-)

to find

odpovídat (-á-)

odpovědět (irregular)

to answer

otevírat (-á-)

otevřít (-e-; otevř-)

to open

platit (-í-)

zaplatit (-í-)

to pay

říkat (-á-)

říct (-e-; řekn-)

to say

sedat (-á-) si

sednout (-e-; sednu-) si

to sit down

slyšet (-í-)

uslyšet (-í-)

to hear


zatelefonovat  (-e-)

to call, telephone

usínat (-á-)

usnout  (-e-; usn-)

to fall asleep

volat (-á-)

zavolat (-á-)

to  call

vracet (-í-)

vrátit (-í-)

to return (e.g. a book, a purchase)

vracet  (-í-) se

vrátit  (-í-) se

to return (e.g. to somewhere)

vypínat (-á-)

vypnout  (-e-; vypn-)

to turn off

zavírat (-á-)

zavřít  (-e-; zavř-)

to close

zvonit (-í-)

zazvonit (-í-)

to ring

zapínat (-á-)

zapnout  (-e-; zapn-)

to turn on

zhasínat (-á-)

zhasnout  (-e-; zhasn-)

to turn off lights