7.7 – Process vs. Completed Act Key Words, part 2

7.7 – Process vs. Completed Act Key Words, part 2

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7.7 – Process vs. Completed Act Key Words, part 2
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7.7 – Process vs. Completed Act Key Words, part 2

So which verb form do you use? Imperfective or perfective? While it ultimately comes down to whether the action is completed or not (and whether you’re trying to convey that it is completed), there are some words that may help indicate that:



jak dlouho ‘how long?’

jak dlouho jsi uklízel byt?

how long did you clean the apartment (work on cleaning the apartment) for?

za jak dlouho ‘in how long?’

za jak dlouho jsi uklidil byt?

In how long did you clean the apartment? i.e. – How long did it take you to clean the apartment?

some sort of time expression indicating how long, such as:

dvě hodiny, pět minut, etc.

Včera jsem četla dvě hodiny.

Yesterday I read for two hours.

za accusative of time expression:

za dvě hodiny, za pět minut, etc.

Přečetla jsem tu knihu za dva dny.

I read that book in two days.