7.6 – Simultaneous and Sequential Actions

7.6 – Simultaneous and Sequential Actions

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7.6 – Simultaneous and Sequential Actions
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7.6 – Simultaneous and Sequential Actions

We can think of imperfective verbs as a sort of unbounded activity like this line on the right:

We can think of perfective verbs as a type of bounded completed act, like this solid dot:



activities that take place at the same time:

  • když

Včera jsem poslouchal hudbu, když jsem dělal domácí úkoly.

Yesterday I listened to music while I was doing/worked on my homework.

doing homework assignments

overlaps with listening to music

  • přitom – ‘at the same time’

Vařil jsem v kuchyni a přitom jsem mluvil s kamarádem.

I was cooking in the kitchen and talking with a friend at the same time.

  • zatímco – ‘while’

Zatímco jsme mluvili, maminka vařila v kuchyni.

While we were talking, mom was cooking in the kitchen.

sequential actions (first I did A, then B, then C)

  • nejdřív ‘first’, pak ‘then’ or  potom ‘then’

Nejdřív jsem přečetl ten článek, pak jsem napsal esej a pak/potom jsem udělal domácí úkol.

First I read the article, then I did my homework.

read article

write essay

do homework assignment

Mixing both aspects:

In many  cases, the final action of a sequence can be an imperfective verb:

Udělal jsem všechny domácí úkoly, osprchoval se a pak jsem se díval na televizi.

I did all the homework assignments and then I watched tv.

did all homework assignments

took a shower

watched tv (indefinite amount of time)

Additionally, you can also have an imperfective activity that is interrupted by a perfective action:

Dělala jsem domácí úkoly, když Petr zatelefonoval.

I was doing my homework when Petr called.

doing my homework – an activity

Petr called – a completed act that happens during the activity

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