7.3 – Osobní hygiena

7.3 – Osobní hygiena

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7.3 – Osobní hygiena
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7.3 – Osobní hygiena

The following activities are all types of (osobní) hygiena – personal hygiene in Czech:

-á- verbs (see 2.2 – Conjugation of -á- verbs)

oblékat se

to get dressed

Karel se obléká.

vyndat si čočky

to take out your contact lenses

nasadit si čočky

to put in your contact lenses

-í- verbs (see 2.2 – Conjugation of -í- verbs)

holit se

to shave

Pavel se holí každý den.

čistit si zuby

to brush ones teeth

-e- verbs (see 2.4 – Conjugation of -e- verbs)

česat si vlasy


to brush your/ones hair

Marie si češe vlasy.

mýt si ruce


to wash ones hands

(lit. to wash hands for oneself)

Myju si ruce, protože si chci dát něco k jídlu.

mýt se


to wash off, get washed off (lit. to wash oneself)

Lucka se myje v koupelně.

sprchovat se


to shower

Sprchuju se každé ráno.

Recall that you need to learn a stem to go along with -e- verbs. The stems are given below the verbs above, but you can also find the full conjugation of these verbs below:

mýt to wash; l-form myl, myla…


myju / myji










myjou / myjí

česat to comb; l-form česal, česala…













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