4.3 – Things to do when it’s raining…

4.3 – Things to do when it’s raining.._

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4.3 – Things to do when it’s raining.._
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4.3 – Things to do when it’s raining…

In this unit you will learn some verbs to talk about things that you might do when it’s raining outside. Here they have been divided into -á-, -í-, and -e- verbs in order to help you with conjugation.

á- verbs (see 2.2 – Conjugation of -á- verbs)

zůstávat vevnitř – to stay inside

dívat se na televizi – to watch tv

koukat na televizi – to watch tv (more colloquial)

-í- verbs (see 2.2 – Conjugation of -í- verbs)

chodit do muzea – to go (regularly) to a museum

chodit do hospody – to go (regularly) to the pub

chodit do kina – to go (regularly) to the movies

vařit – to cook

uklízet – to clean

nudit se – to be bored

-e- verbs  (see 2.4 – Conjugation of -e- verbs)

číst (čt-) si – to read, pleasure read

hrát (hraj-) počítačové hry – to play computer games

hrát (hraj-) deskové hry – to play board games

pracovat – to work

péct (peč-) – to bake

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