Unit 8 Table of Contents

unit 8 – table of contents

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8. lekce – Studium / Unit 8 – Studies

In this unit you will learn to talk about university studies and academics in general. You will talk about which subjects you like and do not like, learn how to talk about your major, your course of studies, and your plans for the future after you graduate.

Communicative Goals



  • express which subjects in school you like and which you don’t like
  • talk about where you do various activities (both related to studies and otherwise)
  • talk about what you study and where you go to school
  • talk about your life in a new city, new campus, etc.
  • make future plans (e.g. summer, after graduation, etc. as well as plans for the evening, weekend, etc.)
  • locative case
  • verbs of motion with
  • future tense
  • time after – za ACC
  • až vs. když

Unit 8 – Vocabulary List

  • common locations
  • basic study vocab (fields of study)
  • begin and end (začít, skončit)




These lessons and exercises should be completed before meeting with your instructor.

These activities should be completed with your instructor/class.

These assignments should be completed after the designated class meeting.

Pre-class Lesson

Unit 8 – Activity Book

Post-class Homework

Pre-class Canvas Quiz

Pre-class Video

Pre-class Vocabulary or Grammar Drill

For more information about using these materials, see Using the Reality Czech Curriculum

8.1 – 8. lekce, 1. den

8.1 – Předměty

Domácí úkol 8.1

8.1 – Quizlet – Předměty – Flashcards

8.1 – Quizlet – Předměty – Learning Exercise

8.1 – mít rád – review

8.1 – Review of mít rád – předměty ve škole

8.1 – bavit – to amuse

8.1 – bavit – to amuse

8.1 – Reality Czech – Které předměty máte rádi?

8.1 – Reality Czech – Které předměty máte rádi?

8.1 – Reality Czech – Které předměty nemáte rádi?

8.1 – Reality Czech – Které předměty nemáte rádi?

8.1 – Quizlet – Předměty – Listening Exercise

8.2 – 8. lekce, 2. den

8.2 – Quizlet – Předměty – Listening Exercise

8.2 – Quizlet – Předměty – Matching

8.2 – Reality Czech – Které předměty jste meli ve škole nejradši?

Domácí úkol 8.2

8.2 – Reality Czech – Které předměty jste meli ve škole nejradši?

8.2 – bavit in the past tense

8.2 – Studying

8.2 – Co studujete? Co se učíte?

8.2 – Names of Languages

8.2 – Quizlet – Jazyky – Flashcards

8.2 – Quizlet – Jazyky – Listening Exercise

8.2 – Names of Languages

8.2 – učebnice matematiky, kurz biologie

8.2 – učebnice matematiky, učebnice biologie…

8.2 – Lots of things! Counting lots of people, objects, etc.

8.2 – Univerzita Palackého se představuje

8.2 – Genitive Plural – A lot of things!

8.2 – Counting Practice

8.3 – 8. lekce, 3. den

8.3 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Flashcards

8.3 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Learning Exercise

8.3 – Locative singular

Domácí úkol 8.3

8.3 – Quizlet – Locative Singular Practice

8.3 – Locative Singular Practice

8.3 – Prepositions v and na

8.3 – Prepositions v and na (choose the correct one)

8.3 – v vs. na for location, do vs. na for destination

8.3 – Location vs. Destination Prepositional Phrases

8.3 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Listening Exercise

8.3 – Reality Czech – Kde se obvykle učíte?

8.3 – Reality Czech – Kde se obvykle učíte?

8.3 – Reality Czech – Máte spolubydlící?

8.3 – Reality Czech – Máte spolubydlící?

8.3 – Education in the Czech Republic

8.3 – Nouns ending in -um (like muzeum, studium)

8.4 – 8. lekce, 4. den

8.4 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Listening Exercise

Domácí úkol 8.4

8.4 – Quizlet – Místa/Places – Matching

8.4 – Location vs destination (more practice)

8.4 – vědět – 'to know a fact'

8.4 – vědět – 'to know (a fact)'

8.4 – About who? About what? – o  LOC

8.4 – About who? About what? o  LOC

8.4 – Reality Czech – Studujete? Kde studujete? Co studujete?

8.4 – Reality Czech – Studujete? Kde studujete? Co studujete?

8.4 – Locative Singular of Adjectives

8.4 – Practice Locative of Nouns and Adjectives

8.4 – Ročník – Year in School

8.4 – Ročník – Year in School

8.4 – Reality Czech – Ve kterém jste ročníku?

8.4 – Reality Czech – Ve kterém jste ročníku?

8.5 – 8. lekce, 5. den

8.5 – Nová Maturita – Václav Kadlec

Domácí úkol 8.5

8.5 – Nová Maturita – Václav Kadlec

8.5 – Reality Czech – Jak často se obvykle učíte?

8.5 – Reality Czech – Jak často se obvykle učíte?

8.5 – Beginning and Ending

8.5 – Beginning and Ending – Translation

8.5 – O prázdninách, o víkendu – Over Time Periods

8.5 – Over Time Periods

8.6 – 8. lekce, 6. den

8.6 – Future Tense of the verb být 'to be'

8.6 – Future Tense of the Verb být 'to be'

8.6 – Kde budeš (podle rozvrhu)?

8.6 – SoundCzech! I'll Be Right Back

Domácí úkol 8.6

8.6 – SoundCzech! I'll Be Right Back

8.6 – Future Tense of Imperfective Verbs

8.6 – Change present to imperfective future

8.6 – Future Tense Practice

8.6 – Some words to talk about the future

8.6 – In five years, in ten years…

8.6 – Quizlet – Time in the Future – Flashcards

 8.6 – Quizlet – Time in the Future – Writing Exercise

8.6 – Future Tense Translations

8.7 – 8. lekce, 7. den

8.7 – More Practice Forming Imperfective Future

Domácí úkol 8.7

8.7 – Review of Verbs Meaning ‘to go’

8.7 – Review of Prepositions for Motion

8.7 – Future of Determinate Verbs

8.7 – Practice prepositions with jít and jet

8.7 – Future of Determinate Verbs – jít ‘to go by foot’ and jet ‘to go by vehicle’

8.7 – poprvé, podruhé… – for the first time, the second time…

8.7 – Quizlet – For the Xth time – Flashcards

8.7 – Quizlet – For the Xth time – Learning Exercise

8.7 – Quizlet – For the Xth time – Listening Exercise

8.8 – 8. lekce, 8. den

8.8 – Determinate Verbs of Motion – Translation Sentences

Domácí úkol 8.8

8.8 – Future Tense of Perfective Verbs

8.8 – Practicing Perfective Future

8.8 – Overview of Aspect in Future Tense

8.8 – Choose Correct Aspect in the Future

8.8 – future – ‘once, when’

8.8 – když vs.

8.8 – Perfective Future – Translation

8.9 – 8. lekce, 9. den

8.9 – Prázdniny v České republice

Domácí úkol 8.9

8.9 – Locative Plural of Nouns

8.9 – Quizlet – Locative Plural Forms – mluvim o ________

8.9 – Locative Plural of Nouns

8.9 – Quizlet – Locative Plural Forms – v/na (w/ adjectives)

8.9 – Locative Plural of Adjectives

8.9 – Quizlet – Locative Plural Forms – v/na (w/ adjectives)

8.9 – Locative Plural – Fill in the Blanks w/ Adjectives and Nouns

8.9 – Test time!

 8.9 – Test z ( GEN)

8.9 – Tests are Over!

8.10 – 8. lekce, 10. den

8.10 – Profese

Domácí úkol 8.10

8.10 – Quizlet – Profese – Flashcards

8.10 – Quizlet – Profese – Learning Exercise

8.10 – Quizlet – Profese – Listening Exercise

8.10 – pracovat jako __________

8.10 – pracovat jako __________

8.10 – Reality Czech – Co budete dělat, až dokončíte studium?

8.10 – Reality Czech – Co budete dělat, až dokončíte studium?

8.10 – Reality Czech – Už pracujete? Jestli ne, kde chcete pracovat?

8.10 – Reality Czech – Už pracujete? Jestli ne, kde chcete pracovat?

8.10 – po locative 'after'

8.10 – po 'after'

8.10 – stát se 'to become'

8.10 – stát se 'to become'

8.11 – 8. lekce, 11. den

8.11 – Review Summary of Aspect in Future

Domácí úkol 8.11

8.11 – Choose Correct Aspect in Future

8.11 – Reality Czech – Kde chcete bydlet?

8.11 – Reality Czech – Kde chcete bydlet?

8.11 – Reality Czech – Koupíte si auto, byt, dům nebo něco jiného?

8.11 – Reality Czech – Koupíte si auto, byt, dům nebo něco jiného?

8.11 – Reality Czech – Na co budete rádi vzpomínat?

8.11 – Reality Czech – Na co budete rádi vzpomínat?