Unit 4 – Table of Contents

unit 4 – table of contents

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unit 4 – table of contents
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4. lekce – Počasí a oblečení / Unit 4 – Weather and Clothing

In this unit we will begin by talking about weather and how to describe the current weather. Additionally, we will learn how to describe activities during different types of weather as well as some of the effects that weather has on people.

We will then learn to talk about clothing, from describing what someone has on, talking about clothing wearing habits, and practice talking about buying clothes for yourself and others and our reactions to clothing that we see (like it, dislike it, etc.)

Communicative Goals



  • talk about the weather
  • describe what a person is wearing
  • express clothing preferences (i.e. what you like, what you don’t like, etc.)
  • learn about buying clothes and the preposition pro  ACC ‘for’
  • dative of nouns and pronouns
  • using the dative to express indirect object
  • using the dative to express age
  • weather adverbs and vocabulary
  • using the dative to express physical sensation (je mi zima, je mi horko)
  • líbit se

Unit 4 – Vocabulary List

  • clothing
  • parts of the body
  • physical description
  • sickness and health
  • the verb moct ‘to be able’




These lessons and exercises should be completed before meeting with your instructor.

These activities should be completed with your instructor/class.

These assignments should be completed after the designated class meeting.

Pre-class Lesson

Unit 4 – Activity Book 

Post-class Homework

Pre-class Canvas Quiz

Pre-class Video

Pre-class Vocabulary or Grammar Drill

For more information about using these materials, see Using the Reality Czech Curriculum

4.1 – 4. lekce, 1. den

4.1 – Locative forms for Places

Domácí úkol 4.1

4.1 – Locative Practice – v/na

4.1 – Locations Review

4.1 – Roční období – Seasons

4.1 – Roční období (seasons)

4.1 – Počasí – Talking about the Weather

4.1 – Quizlet – Počasí – Flashcards

4.1 – Quizlet – Počasí – Learning Exercise

4.1 – Jaké je počasí?

4.1 – Reality Czech – Jaké je u vás obvykle počasí?

4.1 – Reality Czech – Jaké je u vás obvykle počasí?

4.1 – Quizlet – Počasí – Listening Exercise

4.2 – 4. lekce, 2. den

4.2 – Quizlet – Počasí – Listening Exercise

Domácí úkol 4.2

4.2 – Quizlet – Počasí – Matching

4.2 – Liking the Weather

4.2 – Liking the Weather – Translation

4.2 – Reality Czech – Jaké máte rádi počasí?

4.2 – Reality Czech – Jaké máte rádi počasí?

4.2 – Stupně Celsia – Degrees Celsius

4.2 – Stupně celsia – Degrees Celsius

4.2 – Czech Months

4.2 – Quizlet – Měsíce – Learning Exercise

4.2 – Quizlet – Měsíce – Listening Exercise

4.2 – Months Matching

 4.2 – Fill in the Blank Locative Months

4.3 – 4. lekce, 3. den

4.3 – Simultaneous Activities with když – 'when, while'

Domácí úkol 4.3

4.3 – kdy and když – Translation

4.3 – Things to do when it's hot and sunny…

4.3 – Quizlet – Activities when it's hot and sunny – Flashcards

4.3 – Quizlet – Activities when it's hot and sunny – Learning Exercise

 4.3 – Practicing verbs – things to do when it's hot and sunny…

4.3 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte, když je slunečno nebo horko?

4.3 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte, když je slunečno nebo horko?

4.3 – Quizlet – Activities when it's hot and sunny – Listening Exercise

4.3 – Things to do when it’s raining…

4.3 – Quizlet – Activities when it's raining – Flashcards

4.3 – Quizlet – Activities when it's raining – Learning Exercise

4.3 – Practicing verbs – things to do when it’s raining…

4.3 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte, když prší?

4.3 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte, když prší?

4.3 – Quizlet – Activities when it's raining – Listening Exercise

4.3 – moct – ‘can, to be able’

4.3 – moct 'can, to be able'

4.3 – SoundCzech! – It's Drizzling!

4.4 – 4. lekce, 4. den

4.4 – More Practice Describing the Weather

Domácí úkol 4.4

4.4 – Things to do when it's cold or snowing…

4.4 – Quizlet – Things to do when it's cold and/or snowing – Flashcards

4.4 – Quizlet – Things to do when it's cold and/or snowing – Learning Exercise

4.4 – Practicing verbs – things to do when it's cold and/or snowing…

4.4 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte, když je zima?

4.4 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte, když je zima?

4.4 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte, když sněží?

4.4 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle děláte, když sněží?

4.4 – Quizlet – Things to do when it's cold and/or snowing – Listening Exercise

4.5 – 4. lekce, 5. den

4.5 – Je mi zima! – I'm cold! / Je mi vedro! – I'm hot!

Domácí úkol 4.5

4.5 – Je ti zima? Je ti horko? – Practicing Impersonal Constructions

4.5 – Impersonal Temperature Constructions – Fill in the Blanks

4.5 – Weather and its Effects on Us

4.5 – Quizlet – Weather and its effect on us – Flaschards

4.5 – Quizlet – Weather and its effect on us – Learning Exercise

4.5 – Practice Describing the Effects of Weather on People

4.5 – Weather's Effect on People – Translation

4.5 – Quizlet – Weather and its effect on us – Listening Exercise

4.5 – SoundCzech! – All Things Hot

4.5 – SoundCzech! – The Sun Came Out Today

4.5 – SoundCzech! – Frost Under Your Nails

4.5 – saying 'should' — the verb mít

4.5 – 'should' translations

4.6 – 4. lekce, 6. den

4.6 – Oblečení

Domácí úkol 4.6

 4.6 – Quizlet – Clothing Items – Flashcards

4.6 – Quizlet – Clothing Items – Learning Exercise

4.6 – What do you have on? – Co máte na sobě?

4.6 – Select the clothes you see

4.6 – Clothing Multiple Choice

4.6 – Co mají na sobě – Fill in Blanks

 4.6 – Quizlet – Clothing Items – Listening Exercise

4.7 – 4. lekce, 7. den

4.7 – Quizlet – Clothing Items – Listening Exercise

Domácí úkol 4.7

4.7 – Quizlet – Clothing Items – Matching

4.7 – Describing Clothes – Colors

4.7 – Co mají na sobě? – Barvy

4.7 – Describing Clothes – Patterns

4.7 – Describing Clothes with Patterns

4.7 – What you usually wear…

4.7 – What you usually wear… – Translation

4.8 – 4. lekce, 8. den

4.8 – Quizlet – Match Clothing w/ Picture

Domácí úkol 4.8

4.8 – Talking about People's Clothing Habits

4.8 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle nosíte, když je horko?

4.8 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle nosíte, když je horko?

4.8 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle nosíte, když je zima?

4.8 – Reality Czech – Co obvykle nosíte, když je zima?

4.8 – SoundCzech! – Clothes Make a Man

4.8 – SoundCzech! – Clothes Make a Man

4.9 – 4. lekce, 9. den

4.9 – Buying Clothes

Domácí úkol 4.9

4.9 – Conjugation of the verb kupovat 'to buy'

4.9 – Doing things for people – the preposition pro 'for' (again)

4.9 – Buying clothes for people

4.9 – líbit se – liking something

4.9 – líbit se – liking something

4.9 – Stating Opinions about Clothing

4.9 – Quizlet – Opinions on Clothing – Flashcards

4.9 – Quizlet – Opinions on Clothing – Learning Exercise

4.9 – Opinions on Clothing – Translation Sentences

4.9 – Quizlet – Opinions on Clothing – Listening Exercise

4.10 – 4. lekce, 10. den

4.10 – vypadat – 'to look _______'

Domácí úkol 4.10

4.10 – Jak vypadají?

4.10 – Quizlet – Adverbs with vypadat 'to look' – Flashcards

4.10 – Quizlet – Adverbs with vypadat 'to look' – Listening Exercise

4.10 – slušet – 'to suit (someone)'

4.10 – Sluší jim to?

4.10 – Moc velký, moc malý, akorát…

4.10 – Quizlet – Describing Fit – Flashcards

4.10 – Quizlet – Describing Fit – Learning exercise

 4.10 – Talking about fit – Sedí jim to?